Not two whole days after Aaron found out about his cancer, he, Beth, and our mom already had set a plan in place to fight this. Elizabeth was on the phone right away calling everyone she needed to get this plan set into action. She has been amazing. She has always been one to take care of business, get things done, and get them done well. Aaron is so blessed to have her by his side to fight this with him.

Aaron has a deep conviction of and love for our Father in Heaven and His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, who love us incomparably and Who know our hearts, our fears, and our pains. We believe we lived with Them before we came to earth, and that a big reason why we are all here is to face and endure challenges so we can grow and have opportunities to exercise faith, even (and especially) when it's not easy. We also believe God is anxious to grant us the righteous desires of our hearts, and to bless us to be able to endure such trials faithfully and with courage. We don't know much about what will come our way in this life, but one thing we do know is that trials, heartaches, and sorrow will come. If we never experienced bitter and difficult times, we would not be able to appreciate the sweet, happy, and healthy times, and thus we would have no opportunities to truly grow. Here come those opportunities.
We don't usually know the outcomes of the trials we will surely endure, but we know that fighting those trials with God by our side will always lead us to victory in an eternal sense. Aaron knows that God knew cancer would plague his body, and feels that his Father in Heaven set in place many different plans that would all work together for Aaron's good to fight this battle.
Aaron spent his childhood in the great state of Michigan before our family moved to Florida, and has since spent lots of time there as our aunts, uncles, and grandparents live(d) there and our dad and stepmom have a home there. Aaron even belongs to a fishing club in Michigan and goes up often to fly fish there. So Michigan very much feels like a second home to him.
Aaron with our Grandma & Grandpa Erskine up in Michigan
Aaron and Baby Benjamin at the fishing club
Through the little information known about the cancer in Aaron's body, the doctors were not able to pinpoint exactly which type of cancer he has. However, they were able to make an educated guess. There is a doctor, an ENT Oncologist who specializes in the type of cancer the doctors *think* he has at the world-renowned University of Michigan Cancer Center. And our dear Aunt Joanie, my mom's sister, happens to have begun working in this very cancer center a few years ago. Because of her, Aaron will be able to get in into see a doctor at UM very soon (this week or next). I am positive that my Aunt Joanie has blessed the lives of many cancer patients and their families while working at this office, but we also feel that perhaps one reason she works there is so that Aaron could get seen quickly. Our sweet Aunt Shelley and Uncle Jeff who live close to the Center have so lovingly opened their home to my brother, Beth and their children. They have a basement with a bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, and separate entrance so that Aaron and his family can truly set up camp there quite nicely. Their basement just became available. We are so grateful.
Aaron and Chris with Uncle Jeff and Aunt Shelley circa 1981. In case you were wondering, yes...Uncle Jeff and Aunt Shelley are still as cool as they look they must be in this pic:)
Aaron, Beth, Chris, Mom, Dad, and all of us feel very optimistic about this plan that has been set in place to go up to the University of Michigan. We think he will be able to get amazing help there.