On January 24, 2014, Aaron was diagnosed with cancer.
Aaron expressed a great desire to chronicle this journey as he fights to win this battle with cancer. He has asked that I, his sister Kim, create and update this blog for all of his family, friends, clients, and anyone who wishes to follow along as he fights to overcome this trial.
Aaron told me that all the Facebook comments, text messages and phone calls have been such a great source of strength and faith-fortifier for him. He and Beth are so grateful for the love and kindness shown, and the promises of prayers given. Aaron says these things have truly encouraged him & strengthened his will to win this battle. So, I'm asking you on behalf of our entire family to never hesitate to send him your love and support via FB, text, email, phone, or comments on this blog because it means so much to him. (Even if you only know "of" him through friends or family members!) He loves reading your encouraging words; he said they "really pump me up." Aaron was in tears when we figured that he may have as many as 1,000 people praying for him already, from dear friends and family to complete strangers. It is so humbling. Thank you so much.
We all know Aaron is large in stature, with viking blood running through his veins. He would be a formidable challenger to any opponent, and we know that it is no different in this situation as he sets out to battle cancer.Thursday, February 27, 2014
Entry 17: Week 1 of Chemo & Radiation
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Entry 16: Chemo & Radiation Starts
Entry 15: a Surprise Colonoscopy!
Friday, February 14, 2014
Entry 14: Saying Goodbye to Beardey
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Entry 13: Treatment Options
Yesterday was his first post-surgery appointment-- he met with the radiation oncologist.
The radiation oncologist went over Aaron's treatment options, one of which being particularly intriguing. Aaron qualifies to participate in a study of a new drug called Cetuximab. It is FDA approved, and so far University of Michigan has 22 patients already on it. Cetuximab would replace chemotherapy, and from what we know so far, it sounds like a wonder drug! Chemotherapy attacks all the cells in the body (which as many of you know either through personal experience or through loved-ones, can take an excruciating toll on the body), whereas this new drug would only target and attack and the cancer cells. Naturally, this has definitely piqued Aaron & Beth's interest, and he's going to be discussing it further with the medical oncologist today (and not to mention, ask our brother Chris' opinion).
The radiation oncologist also discussed with Aaron what his radiation treatments would be like. This Friday Aaron will have a simulation appointment where he will do a practice of what it will be like: he has to hold completely still so that the radiation, which will kill tissue, only hits the cancer. It will destroy his salivary glands, so luckily they only have to do it on the right side of his neck. On Friday they will also fit him for a mask he will have to wear during treatments so his face will be protected from the radiation. He will do radiation every weekday for seven weeks, likely staring on February 24th.
They told Aaron that if in seven weeks the cancer is still there, then they will do surgery and remove the tonsils (where his cancer is). We all wondered why they don't just go ahead and remove the tonsils now and get it over with, but the doctor assured Aaron that if they did that, he'd still have to do the radiation and chemo (or Cetuximab) regardless, so trying it this way is just a much less painful way to get the job done.
So today he is meeting with the medical oncologist to discuss treatment further and after Aaron makes a decision on chemo vs. Cetuximab we will know for sure the next step. What we do know is that Aaron is in AMAZING hands and that he IS going to beat this cancer with the Lord and his angels on our side! (Which we are so grateful to say that has so far proven to be true time and again.)
Speaking of angels: Aaron & Beth have been blown away by the goodness of the people up in Michigan. First off, our Uncle Jeff. Uncle Jeff had a severe head injury not too long ago while working at his job as a welder. He has his own medical hurdles to jump, and yet he has insisted on being with Aaron through every step of this journey. He has been at every appointment, and has already signed up to take Aaron to three out of his five weekly doctor appointment (so Beth and the kids don't have to go to each one). Uncle Jeff is getting some much-needed rest today, and we are so grateful for all he and Aunt Shelly have done to welcome Aaron, Beth, and the kids and to help make them comfortable (including helping in gathering warm winter clothes for their family).
Also, our cousin Adam has graciously offered his beautiful home to Aaron and Beth for them to live in while in Michigan. Adam is in North Carolina for the next three months. So now all of a sudden they have an entire house to themselves! This house is twenty minutes closer to the cancer center, as well as closer to the church.
It is so amazing-- time and again I am blown away at the thought of how this has all just worked out too perfectly... and that people have just been so kind and generous. We are absolutely overwhelmed with gratitude.
Aaron and Beth have each received more than one personal phone call from the stake president (ecclesiastical lay minister over multiple congregations in a concentrated are-- in charge of ministering to 1000's of individuals). Aaron has also received a phone call from the stake president's counselor (a maxillofacial surgeon who works with cancer patients) while he was away in Texas offering his assistance. On Sunday Aaron and Beth were so overwhelmed and overjoyed to have been so warmly welcomed by countless individuals in the congregation they will be attending while Aaron receives his treatment. The Relief Society president (woman who presides over all the women in a congregation) has called Beth several times, and even brought Aaron & Beth a table and chairs for the kitchen since it didn't have one. Another sweet woman dropped by with fresh homemade bread and cookies. Another member of the congregation took the three kids yesterday so that Beth could be with Aaron at his appointment, and another family is taking the kids for five hours today. Five hours! Each time Aaron and I talk and he tells me of the goodness of the people up there, I am brought to tears, and I know they are too. We have learned so much from this experience, one thing being more about how to be more Christlike. We have learned this by example, and we have been so touched.
The kids have been LOVING the snow and can't get enough sledding!

Beth has been going to a chiropractor and her back is doing much better. She is not in the clear, but Aarons says "she is not crying in pain anymore, so she's got that going for her." :) Aaron, Aaron...always the jokester. Just like this cute little girl (who is absolutely obsessed with Minnie Mouse these days)! She tries to carry around her two Minnie dolls, a Minnie ball, and her two pink blankets, and then asks Aaron to pick her up with all her loot. Aaron said "it is SO cute." :D
Friday, February 7, 2014
Entry 12: Surgery Success!

After his surgery he wrote this:
"All went well with surgery today. It was a long day- did not leave hospital until 8pm. Doc was able to find the primary site with just two biopsies so no tonsillectomy= good thing! Meeting with oncologist next week to start phase II. Thank you to everyone for your support!"
Today Adam flew home to his family. Aaron and Beth are so grateful for all of his selfless service to their family! Aaron & Beth are doing well today. The kids are enjoying the snow. Aaron has a bad sore throat from the biopsies but other than that he's good!! Aunt Shelley and Uncle Jeff have been so wonderful and hospitable, and Aunt Joanie is working so hard to keep things moving quickly. Aaron also expressed his gratitude to her last night on Facebook when he said:
"I want to send out a very special thank you to my aunt Joanie Erskine. She has gone so far above and beyond to help me with this battle. I love you Aunt Joan!"
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Entry 11: Prepping for Surgery Tomorrow
Monday, February 3, 2014
Entry 10: First Doc Appointment!
The doctor stuck a scope down his nose and said that everything looked fine, but that he knows it's hiding down there somewhere. The doctor read all of Aaron's test results and explained to them that Aaron has Stage 4 cancer (there are only 4 stages): however, he further explained that the kind of cancer Aaron has is very treatable and so he has a 90% survival rate! Wow- so much hope and joy comes with that statistic! Phew!
The doctor believes the cancer is in the tonsils, but he said Aaron would need a PET scan this week to detect the origin of the cancer, and that he'd then have surgery this Thursday. They originally were told the PET scan wouldn't be today, but Aunt Joanie then stepped in to pull all kinds of strings to go ahead and get him in today! She was so determined and helpful, she was getting him to the area for the PET scan before he had a chance to call his insurance company to see if they would cover it! Haha! I can see this happening so easily! Aunt Joanie, you're the best!! Aaron got a hold of his insurance company and all checked out clear and so he went in for his scan at 12:20!
Aaron further said: "I'll have surgery on Thursday to get biopsies done in my tonsils and surrounding areas. The doctor is going to try to spare my tonsil. and I will most likely start radiation and chemo in the next 3 weeks."
This Wednesday he will meet with the radiation oncologist to discuss the specifics of his treatment, but most likely he will start radiation and chemo in the next three weeks and he'll have it 5 days a week for 7 weeks. Again, that is not a definite schedule- he'll know more after this Wednesday. :)
Thank you all again for your prayers, concern, and love. Aaron told me last night that he'd be lying if he said he wasn't scared, but that he knew it would all work out as it should. He feels this peace has come in large part from the support he has been shown by family, friends, and even strangers. We love you and are grateful for your love!!
PS: I wanted to share what my cousin Lisa (Joanie's daughter) said in a comment in an earlier post:
"Aaron's appt moving up is an amazing and wonderful example if paying it forward. My mom, Joan/ Aunt Joanie, does everything she can including working weekends, days she's on vacation and so on all to make sure she is helping the patients anyway she possibly can. She doesn't know these people she just knows what she does helps and they come first. So now when it's not only a known face but a dearly loved family member that is in need and they are able to 'pay forward' what Joan does every day it's just amazing! Reminds me of what I heard all the time growing up " do on to others as you want done on to you". I know my mom is more then grateful this was the outcome!! Of course as Kim said we all are beyond grateful!!"
We are so grateful for Aunt Joanie!
Onward into battle-- with a plan now!! Yeah!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Entry 9: Made it to Michigan!
On the way up they stayed a couple nights in a cabin in Knoxville provided to them by their dear friend Carol. On Saturday Beth was in a lot of pain from her pinched nerve in her back so they decided to stay in Tennesssee for the day and finish up the drive Sunday. Here they are on a walk/ getting some wiggles out in TN:
Beth told me tonight what a blessing Adam has been for their family in helping with the kids and with driving. He has been a Godsend for our family. Since the kids were cooped up in the car all day today, they were pretty wiggily once they made it to Michigan. So Adam, a certified lifeguard, took them all to the hotel pool and let them have some fun. :)
Beth and Aaron also told me that today while they were driving, they could feel the love and support surrounding them through the fasting and prayers so many were offering on their behalf. Aaron commented to me how incredibly humbling it is to know that so many people care. "I certainly don't deserve it" he said. But he's so grateful. As is Beth. Aaron said he's heard from people he hasn't talked to in 20 years saying they and their families are praying for him. He and Beth have been so buoyed up by each and every one of you. We all have. I likewise have been so humbled by the kindness and love of my friends in saying they are and were praying and/or fasting for my brother. How does one say thank you adequately for such a gift? I tried to tell my in-laws tonight what Aaron and Beth said about being able to feel your prayers and love, and I could barely speak because it touches my heart so much. Thank you so much.
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Entry 8: Fasting & Prayer
We are so grateful and humbled to know that the Sundstrom's church congregations in both Enterprise, Alabama and Destin will be fasting for Aaron and his family. Aaron and Beth have also been informed that friends, family, and even strangers from all over the United States and even in different countries will be fasting for them tomorrow. These are people who are well-acquainted with fasting, as well as others who may have never fasted before.
We would be so appreciative if you remember Aaron and his family in your prayers and fasting tomorrow.
If you would like to participate, but are not quite sure what fasting entails, here is a bit of information that may be helpful:
"Fasting includes neither eating nor drinking for two consecutive meals.
Since the time of Adam, God’s people have fasted to help them draw near to Him and to worship Him. Jesus showed the importance of fasting by His own example (see Luke 4:1–4).
Entry 7: Gentle Giant
I thought that was so perfect. Aaron is our gentle giant. One of my favorite, favorite things about Aaron is how big his heart is. His stature may be intimidating, but that heart is so soft. I remember distinctly a time several years ago shortly after Aaron returned home from his mission and not too long before our Grandpa died. Grandpa was in his 90's and living in an assisted care home. Grandpa needed some help with his feet. His toenails needed some attention. But of course he wouldn't have been able to bend over and take care of them, and plus, they wouldn't be easy to shape up. However, I remember Aaron sweetly taking Grandpa's feet in his hands and gently trimming his toenails with a jovial attitude, making jokes with Grandpa along the way. I was so touched by this seemingly simple scene. What a Christlike thing to do. What an impression that had one me."I remember the first time I went to class and I looked around and all I saw were these huge guys in class, ... and then you walked in and I thought, 'maybe I should take a class with smaller guys.' I was very intimidated at first. Then I started talking to you and you seemed so cool like a gentle giant. You have such a great personality and a kind heart."
I also wanted to share an excerpt from a message a friend of mine wrote to me. My friend's mother recently overcame her battle with cancer. I hope she won't mind that I share this. It brought me a lot of strength and peace, and I wanted to document it here too for Aaron and Beth.
"We know that we will never be given a trial we can't handle. We also know that we must have a trial of our faith to have eternal life. So, the trial has to match the magnitude of the person enduring it --otherwise it wouldn't be a trial. A trivial thing to one person might be a huge trial to another. Make sense? So a huge trial is really just Heavenly Father showing you how confident He is in your ability to overcome said trial... Of course with His help. Never forget His help. We also know that trials are designed to bring us closer to Him. As you get further into this trial, you will understand the true validity of this doctrine. It is true in ways I couldn't have known before. The same will be true for you too."