
On January 24, 2014, Aaron was diagnosed with cancer.

Aaron expressed a great desire to chronicle this journey as he fights to win this battle with cancer. He has asked that I, his sister Kim, create and update this blog for all of his family, friends, clients, and anyone who wishes to follow along as he fights to overcome this trial.

Aaron told me that all the Facebook comments, text messages and phone calls have been such a great source of strength and faith-fortifier for him. He and Beth are so grateful for the love and kindness shown, and the promises of prayers given. Aaron says these things have truly encouraged him & strengthened his will to win this battle. So, I'm asking you on behalf of our entire family to never hesitate to send him your love and support via FB, text, email, phone, or comments on this blog because it means so much to him. (Even if you only know "of" him through friends or family members!) He loves reading your encouraging words; he said they "really pump me up." Aaron was in tears when we figured that he may have as many as 1,000 people praying for him already, from dear friends and family to complete strangers. It is so humbling. Thank you so much.

We all know Aaron is large in stature, with viking blood running through his veins. He would be a formidable challenger to any opponent, and we know that it is no different in this situation as he sets out to battle cancer.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Entry 18: Side Effects

We've got good news and great news and bad news. Good news is that the biopsy results came in from the polyp the doctor removed from Aaron's colon and he officially does not have colon cancer. (This is actually OUTSTANDING news!) The great news is that Aaron's doctor measured his tumor before treatments began two Mondays ago and again this past Monday (after one week of treatments) and the tumor has already shrunk a centimeter and a half! (From 7.5 cm to 6 cm.) Aaron said that's pretty incredible! 

So after the doc measured his tumor the second time he had his second round of chemo. Here is the bad news...what we knew would be coming has arrived: the onset of side effects. He woke up Tuesday morning vomiting- a side effect from the chemo:( then Wednesday morning he woke up with an extremely dry mouth and sore throat-- side effects from the radiation treatments to his neck area. Aaron is constantly drinking water, but he can't keep hydrated so he now is going in three times a week for the nurses to fill him up with two bags of IV fluids-- after which, he says he feels "like a million bucks." :) 

Aaron has lost about 25 pounds already since finding out about his cancer from changing his diet to entirely whole foods, no meat, and no soda. Also, he's been going to the gym every day.  (In fact, they all go together as a family!) He suspects that when all of this is said and done up in Michigan, he'll have lost 30 more, putting him at a weight he hasn't been at since before his mission. 

Aaron is also taking this time to really get medically checked out in every area of his health-- eye doctor, dermatologist, you name it. ("All the things I always put off" he said.) Today he went to see an acupuncturist, saying he's willing to try anything to benefit his health. 

Aaron really likes the radiation staff, and says they're super fun and cool. The radiation, on the other hand, he says is the worst-- in that it's pretty scary to be strapped to a table by your head in a Nacho Libre mask. (See previous post for pic.) 

Beth's back is doing ok-- she's not kealing over in pain and she continues to go to the chiropractor each week. The kids seem to be contracting sicknesses one rigt after the other:( but they're hanging in there and they have been having a blast with Beth's dad and stepmom. Beth's dad is still there and has been so helpful, and the kids look like they love his company! 

I'm so proud of you, Aaron and Beth. I know I speak in behalf of countless friends and family when I say we love you and you're in our prayers every single day. May The Lord continue to bless and sustain you throughout this journey!  

Thank you everyone for your love and prayers! 

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