
On January 24, 2014, Aaron was diagnosed with cancer.

Aaron expressed a great desire to chronicle this journey as he fights to win this battle with cancer. He has asked that I, his sister Kim, create and update this blog for all of his family, friends, clients, and anyone who wishes to follow along as he fights to overcome this trial.

Aaron told me that all the Facebook comments, text messages and phone calls have been such a great source of strength and faith-fortifier for him. He and Beth are so grateful for the love and kindness shown, and the promises of prayers given. Aaron says these things have truly encouraged him & strengthened his will to win this battle. So, I'm asking you on behalf of our entire family to never hesitate to send him your love and support via FB, text, email, phone, or comments on this blog because it means so much to him. (Even if you only know "of" him through friends or family members!) He loves reading your encouraging words; he said they "really pump me up." Aaron was in tears when we figured that he may have as many as 1,000 people praying for him already, from dear friends and family to complete strangers. It is so humbling. Thank you so much.

We all know Aaron is large in stature, with viking blood running through his veins. He would be a formidable challenger to any opponent, and we know that it is no different in this situation as he sets out to battle cancer.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Entry 20: Halfway Milestone!

Aaron has crossed the halfway mark for treatment!  This week he completed the fourth of seven chemotherapy treatments and 18th of 35 radiation treatments!

He's doing really well all things considered. Of course some days are better than others. Some days are brighter than others. But in his mind he knows he can do anything for three more weeks! Yeah!

Also, as a bit of clarification from the last post: Aaron is not defying his doctor's orders on nutrition:) The doctor (PA) told him that he is going to need to start thinking about letting them do the feeding tube if he does keep losing weight. But she was not saying "you need a feeding tube now" and he was not saying "no way" to that. If and when the doctor tells him he needs a feeding tube, Aaron will comply readily. He went up to the University of Michigan to get the outstanding medical care they provide at their Cancer Center, and will follow their orders. At the time she was saying "this might happen" and Aaron, being the jokester that he is, was a bit jovial and defiant about it. He likes to make people laugh, ya know? Often at the expense of himself "I'm a 300 lb man!" :) But he will get a feeding tube when they tell him he needs one. Promise:) Also he is taking his pain killers! No need to worry about that:) He just doesn't want to be in a state where he falls asleep mid-conversation due to the drugs (which he has done), and he is concerned about becoming addicted (as we know that happens all too often), so he was/ is requesting our prayers for that. :)

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